
Links to useful documents and websites for the historians

This page is work in progress. We intend including useful documents but not links to books as so many have now been digitised by Google. Sadly though, this scanning does not include any fold-out maps. Many of the 19th century journals of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall are also available online. If there is anything you wish to add to this page, please let me know. Also, of course, if you spot any errors. Note, all files open in new windows.

Pete Joseph

Alastair Neil's Cornish Mining Index (Word)

Mines A-B    Mines C    Mines D-F    Mines G-H    Mines I-N    Mines O-R    Mines S-T

Notes    Smelting    Stamping    Arsenic    Industry    Quarries

Trevithick Society AGM notes (pdf)
2013    2014    2015    2016    2017    2018    2019    *no AGMS for 2020 and 21*
2022    2023    2024   

AIA 2010 Conference Notes

Pete Joseph's Devon Mines Index

Some years ago Michael Messenger created an index to the personal names which appeared in Hamilton Jenkin's Mines and Miners of Cornwall books. Michael has provided us with a pdf version of this which can be found here (opens in a new window).