Trevithick Society Publications
This is a list of Society publications currently in print.
Click here for a complete list of publications
These Treasured Hills, by Pauline
Sweet, 2024, 65 pages Paperback £16.00 ISBN 978-1-8384245-4-1 Paperback £25.00 ISBN 978-1-8384245-3-4
The book looks in detail at a distinctive area and one family over
several generations and is the result of over 30 years research. This
insight into one small community can stand for others whose records are
The Hayle and West Cornwall Railways:
Penzance to Truro (1834-1865), by Roger Langley, David Birch and John Gabb, 2024,
116 pages Hardback
£28.00, Paperback £22.00 ISBN 978-1-8384245-1-0
A history of the Hayle Railway is long overdue; indeed
one was promised over 60 years ago. The Hayle Railway is a key part of Cornwall’s railway history,
dating from 1834, but has for too long been regarded as merely a precursor to the West Cornwall and Great
Western Railways. Roger Langley has now made good that omission with a full treatment of the line up
to its absorption by surrogates of the GWR in 1866. He also uncovers the influence over the railway by
several major mines. Local authors David Birch and John Gabb have also contributed a valuable gazetteer
of what remains of the railway on the ground.
Tin Mining in Cornwall: 1900 to 1950:
Decline, Fall and Resurrection, by Roger Burt, 2023, 325 pages Hardback
£35.00 ISBN 978-1-8384245-2-7 Paperback £25.00 ISBN 978-1-8384245-3-4
The history of the Cornish Tin Industry since the death of Queen
Victoria has often received scant attention and been treated as a mere
tailpiece. This is significantly remedied by Roger Burt’s new analysis of
this era which examines its failures and successes both generally and
through major players, East Pool, Geevor and South Crofty. It also includes
details of several key players. This book will become a standard work on its
Mount Wellington, a
Forgotten Cornish Mine: 1969-1981, by John Hurr, 2021, 180 pages
Paperback £19.00 978-1-8384245-0-3
Mount Wellington, over shadowed by its neighbour Wheal Jane, was one of 4
new mines that reopened during the 1970s. Following extensive exploration
throughout the County and the increase in tin prices expectation was high
that this revival would be long lasting. After overcoming numerous problems
Mount Wellington went into production in 1976 but closed 2 years later. John
Hurr was involved at the mine over a 12 year period from 1969 to 81 and his
reminiscences help to explain the optimism and disappointment of this the
final chapter in Cornish Mining.
Levant Mine: An Anthology, Edited by Peter Joseph & Graham Thorne, 2019,
338 pages Hardback £25.00 ISBN 978-0-9935021-7-0 Paperback £15.00 ISBN 978-0-9935021-8-7
This volume
by various hands contains a great deal of new research on the history of Levant from the earliest days
to closure in 1930. It also covers the story of the preserved whim engine from its purchase in 1935 to
its return to steam. There are many hitherto unseen photographs and considerable insights into the
conservation of the mine site over the last 30 years.
The Notebook of a Devon Great Consols Mine
Captain: 1886-1900, by William Woolcock, compiled by R. J. Stewart & R. Waterhouse, 2018, 68 pages Paperback
£11.00 ISBN 978-0- 9935021-6-3
William Woolcock was working at Devon Great Consols during its years of
decline. The great days of copper mining were over and the mine survived largely on sales of arsenic.
He was also involved in the search for tin at depth which consumed so much time and effort to no avail.
Documents such as his are rare and give valuable insight into the mine’s story. The compilers, each well
versed in Tamar Valley mining, provide a detailed commentary on Woolcock’s text.
Wheal Trewavas, by Peter
Joseph & Alasdair Neill, 2018, 94 pages Paperback £10.00 ISBN 978- 0-9935021-5-6
This story of a relatively
unsuccessful mine, known mainly, if at all, for the dramatic siting of its engine houses, brings together
the research of two authors and is published as a tribute to the late Alasdair Neill. It covers the history
and archaeology of the mine and the conservation of the engine houses by the National Trust in 2008/9.
The Tavistock Canal: Its History and Archaeology, by Robert Waterhouse, 2017, 538 pages, Paperback £30.00
ISBN 978-0-9935021-4-9
This is the first history of the Tavistock Canal published to mark the bicentenary
of its opening. The book covers the canal’s construction and operational history and includes a unique
collection of detailed measured drawings recording lost and surviving structures. The canal is put into
the context of the surrounding area with detailed treatment of the mines, quarries, tramways, quays and
ports whose story is intertwined with that of the waterway.
Mine Pumping Engines in Eighteenth Century
Cornwall, by R. J. (Rick) Stewart, 2017, 176 pages Paperback £17.50 ISBN 978-0-9935021-2-5
The published
history of mine pumping in Cornwall is extensive but largely concentrates on the use of steam in the
nineteenth century; the pioneers of the eighteenth century have received less attention. It is to this
period that Rick Stewart has turned his attention. The book opens with a discussion of adit drainage and
then the Coster family of Bristol and their water engines. The story of Newcomen engines in Cornwall from
the 1710s then gives way to that of Boulton & Watt and their often acrimonious relationship with Cornish
adventurers. Finally we read of Jonathan Hornblower and Edward Bull who challenged Watt’s restrictive
patent. Appendices list the numerous engineers who erected engines in this early period.
Cornwall’s Fuse Works: 1831-1961, by Diane Hodnett, with a Foreword
by Bryan Earl, 2016, 238 pages Paperback £12.00 ISBN 978-0-9935021-1-
Diane Hodnett has written the first history of this quintessential Cornish industry which spread worldwide.
She tells the story of William Bick ford, inventor of the safety fuse and the epic tale of the company he
founded which as Bickford Smith was a major employer in the Camborne area and had branches in countries
wherever mining was significant. She tells of its assimilation into ICI and ends with the closure of the
Tuckingmill factory in 1961. On the expiry of Bickford’s patent, a whole gallery of eager entrepreneurs
entered the market and a rash of factories sprang up, mainly in West Cornwall; the book covers their
history too. The human story of the workers and some of the dreadful accidents in the industry also has
its place. Diane was the first person given access to the Bickford Smith family archive and so much new
information is here published for the first time. She has also found a magnificent series of 1924 aerial
photographs of the Roskear and Tuckingmill areas at English Heritage and these grace the pages of
Cornwall’s Fuse Works.
Great Wheal Vor: A study of the history and working of one of the richest mines
in Cornwall, by Tony Bennett, with a foreword by Sir Tim Smit, 2015, 603 pages Hardback £40.00 ISBN 978-
0- 9575660-6-4 Paperback £20.00 ISBN 978-0-9575660-7-1
Throughout much of the nineteenth century Great
Wheal Vor epitomised the fortunes which could be made from Cornwall’s vast mineral wealth. Working almost
continuously between 1810 and 1877, this fabulously rich mine kept going during periods of low tin prices
which led to the failure of many lesser mines. Wheal Vor is also reputed to be the first Cornish mine to
install a Newcomen steam pumping engine. It later became one of the leading mines in Cornwall’s
industrial heyday with beam engines which outperformed their contemporaries. One of only three Cornish
mines to have its own smelting works it produced up to a quarter of Cornwall’s tin from a main lode of
unparalleled richness. Everything about Wheal Vor was on the grand scale. The 1850s saw an attempt to pump
out and rework the mine using the “Great 100-inch Engine”, the largest ever installed in Cornwall. This
venture incurred the largest ever loss in a single attempt to reopen a mine. Two further attempts at
revival in the twentieth century proved equally fruitless. The story of Great Wheal Vor is one of the
most important and vibrant in Cornwall’s mining history, which, perhaps because so little remains on the
ground, has not hitherto received due notice. This comprehensive history by Tony Bennett puts Wheal Vor
in its rightful place among the county’s mines. Perhaps too the Great Wheal Vor story is not over yet.
Wheal Basset: Five Centuries of Mining at Carnkie, by Allen Buckley, 2015, 192 pages Paperback £10.00
ISBN 978-0-9575660-4-0
The mines south of Carn Brea have never received the same level of attention as
those to the north. Leading mining historian Allen Buckley now turns his attention to a hitherto neglected
area of the Great Flat Lode with this most welcome study of the Basset Mines. Beginning with fascinating
insights into the early days of mining around Carnkie, the story runs on to a full treatment of the boom
years of the nineteenth century and concludes with the story of Basset Mines Ltd., one of the largest
mining companies ever to work in Cornwall Their valiant struggle for survival in an increasingly hostile
environment finally came to an end in 1918. The reader will also learn something of the great variety of
Cornish engines in the mine and the book includes a gazetteer of what remains on the ground for those who
would like to visit what remains on one of the most diverse and interesting of Cornish mining sites.
Last Great Cornish Engineer: William West of Tredenham, by John Manley, 2014, 196 pages Paperback £14.99
ISBN 978-0-9575660-2-6
The engineers who first developed the Cornish Engine, such as Richard Trevithick
and Arthur Woolf, are comparatively well known and have been the subject of modern studies and biographies.
William West (1805-1879) was a leading member of the next generation of engineers who brought the
performance of the Cornish Engine to its peak and saw its use extended world- wide and into such areas as
water and sewage works. The book covers episodes in West’s long and distinguished career such as the
famous 1835 trial of Austen’s Engine at Fowey Consols and the pioneering installation of a sister engine
at a London waterworks. Until now the only life of West was a short hagiographical Sketch published
immediately after his death. John Manley’s new biography reprints the Sketch and includes a commentary
based on modern research. As well as his engineering practice, West was the owner of the St Blazey Foundry,
a mine adventurer, contractor, railway builder and banker. A towering presence in East Cornwall, William
West now has a worthy modern biography.
Ding Dong Mine: A History, by Peter Joseph & Gerald Williams,
2014, 218 pages Paperback £15.99 978-0-9575660-3-3
There are few more striking and recognisable Cornish
engine houses than that situated on the Greenburrow Shaft of Ding Dong Mine. It is visible throughout
West Penwith on its lofty moorland perch. In contrast the story of the ancient mine itself is relatively
unknown. Now two authors, well known historians of the mines of the far west, having researched Ding Dong
over some years have done its story full justice. We read that mining in the area began with small stream
works in the seventeenth century and Ding Dong itself is mentioned as early as 1751. In the 1790s the mine
was in the forefront of the battles between Richard Trevithick and Boulton & Watt. The mine remained a
significant producer throughout the nineteenth century up to closure in 1877. In its final twenty years of
operation it produced almost 3,000 tons of black tin at a value of £155,000. Ding Dong now has a full
modern history as part of the Trevithick Society’s mission to extend our knowledge of hitherto neglected
mines and industries in Cornwall
Camborne School of Mines: A History of Mining Education in Cornwall, by
Lawrence P. S. Piper, 2013, 439 pages Hardback £15.00 978-0-9575660-0-2
As far back as the late eighteenth
century with a proposal to create a Cornish Mining Society, followed by John Taylor’s 1829 Prospectus for
a School of Mines in Cornwall, there were those who sought to formalise mining education and training.
The 1891 Technical Instruction Act led to action by Cornwall County Council and the establishment of
Mining Schools at Camborne, Penzance and Redruth. These three were merged in 1909 into one School of
Metalliferous Mining at Camborne. All this is covered in Lawrence Piper’s magisterial survey published
to mark the 125th anniversary of CSM in 2013. His book takes the story up to 2004 at the end of CSM’s
first decade as Part of the University of Exeter. This is no dry tale of academic history; the social
side of the School of Mines is also given its due in a well-deserved volume on a great Cornish institution
which continues to flourish.
Levant: A Champion Cornish Mine, by John Corin & Peter Joseph, 2013,
reprinted 2016 Paperback 128 pages £10.99 978-0-904040-96-8
Levant is one of the great Cornish mines. Its
long history, rugged location on Atlantic cliffs and its undersea workings give its history a very special
quality. John Corin’s history, Levant: A Champion Cornish Mine, was first published in 1992; it went
through a number of revisions and new editions, staying in print continuously to 2010. It appeared at just
the right time. A number of volunteers were beginning to see how the site at Levant could be made more
accessible and interesting to visitors and so successive editions covered visual restoration of the
surviving beam engine, the new boiler house and the engine’s return to steam. More recently the combined
efforts of the National Trust and Trevithick Society have resulted in a greater appreciation of the site
as a whole and the emergence of new information. The time was ripe for a completely new edition with new
colour photographs and a self-guided walk. This new edition has proved immensely popular, serving as
guidebook and accessible history.
So Very Foolish: A
History of the Wherry Mine, Penzance, by Peter Joseph,
2012, Paperback 44 pages £4.99 978-0-904040-95-1
Through the long history of Cornish mining mineral extraction has
taken place in some remarkable locations but none was more peculiar than the
Wherry Mine at Penzance. The mine’s shafts were located some 200 yards
offshore in Mounts Bay and linked by a timber trestle to the machinery on
dry land. In consequence the Wherry Mine bore more resemblance to a seaside
pier than a working mine. The unique nature of the mine workings meant that
contemporary travellers noted and visited Wherry Mine and some recorded
their impressions. The mine worked sporadically during the eighteenth
century but closed around 1800; attempts at reworking in the nineteenth came
to very little. Peter Joseph, in this small booklet, has done well to ferret
out the story of this extraordinary venture. Incredibly
prospecting of the Wherry lodes, using a similar pier and drilling rig, took
place as recently as 1967.
The History and Progress of Mining in the Liskeard and Caradon District, 1863 by Webb & Geach,
2011, Paperback 158 pages £5.00 978-0-904040-88-3
When Peter Clymo and his fellow adventurers struck copper
at South Caradon in 1837, they began a mining bonanza which made fortunes for some and changed the local
landscape utterly. Yet in less than half a century mining on any scale had ceased completely, never to
resume. William Webb and Edward Geach published their History and Progress of Mining in the Caradon and
Liskeard Districts in 1862. It was the height of the boom and a new edition appeared the following year.
It gives a unique insight into mining locally but it should be treated with a little caution. It was
aimed at shareholders and investors and, in consequence, few critical words are to be found within nor
any mention of failure. Nonetheless it gives a unique flavour of a mining bonanza, the more poignant in
that within three years a financial crisis would mark the beginning of the end for Cornish copper. This
reprint includes the whole text of the 1863 edition with interleaved commentary by John Manley, local
mining historian. John also includes modern colour photographs and guidance on the remaining industrial
Mechanical Methods of Dressing of Tin Ores, 1858 by Leon Moissenet, Translated by Tony
Clarke, 2010, 173 pages Hardback £10.00
Many visited the mines of Cornwall in the nineteenth century and
a number recorded their impressions. The majority, it is fair to say, took an academic or amateur interest
in what they saw. Visitors who described the processes they saw with a professional or technical knowledge
were far less common. One such was Leon Moissenet, who at the time of his visit was still a student at
the Ecole des Mines in France. His Excursion in Cornwall was published in 1858 when he was 27 years old
and was an immensely detailed description of contemporary mineral dressing in Cornwall. His text never
appeared in English until Tony Clarke, himself a mineral processing specialist, came upon it and set
about making a translation. This duly appeared in 2010 and is essential reading for anyone who wishes
to understand mechanical dressing of ores in the great days of Cornish mining.
Marconi at The Lizard, by Courtney Rowe, 2018 83 pages Paperback £9.99 978-0904040-80-1
Lizard is a most distinctive part of Cornwall and in the late nineteenth century was a relatively remote
area where people earned a living by farming and fishing. In 1901 radio pioneer Guglielmo Marconi arrived
in the area and opened his first radio station at Housel Bay. This was used for ship to shore wireless
telegraphy and closed in 1920. In 2000 it was restored to its original form by the National Trust. The
later, better known Marconi station at Poldhu, was constructed simultaneously with the Lizard station;
this also opened in 1901 and transmitted the first transatlantic signal in December that year. Poldhu
closed in 1933. Courtney Rowe’s book was published in 2000 and has been in print ever since. Here the
reader will find the story of Marconi in Cornwall but also details of the Lizard lighthouse, undersea
telegraph cables, the Lloyds Signal Station, an electric bell on the sea bed and some of the wartime
installations. It is a reminder of Cornwall’s pivotal role in early cable and wireless communication.
Drawings of the Levant
Whim, by Courtney Rowe, 1998 Paperback 79 pages £6.99
One of the great achievements of the Trevithick Society and its
members has been the visual restoration and ultimate return to steam of the
1840 Harvey built 27” rotary winding engine at Levant. Many contributed to
this project which had the full support of the National Trust. Courtney
Rowe was a member of the original “Greasy Gang” at Levant, led by the
redoubtable Milton Thomas. As the engine was gradually dismantled
throughout the restoration progress, Courtney Rowe took very detailed
measurements and produced a set of drawings. These were first published in
the Journal of the Trevithick Society and then as a book. This book still
sells steadily to model engineers and to those who wish to understand in
more detail just how that
wonderful beast the Cornish Engine fits together.